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David Herbert Lawrence
He was born at a mining village in Nottinghamshire in 1885.
He was an artist: he was a painter and a writer.
His father was a miner and he wasn't educated and disciplined; he was a simple person.
His mother come from middle class, she was educated, disciplined and had all values of middle class, she was a teacher. She married his husband because they were really in love, but they were opposites; she controlled her children.
Sex and women
He said that sex was a part of human beings à he described love and sex as a consequence of love: sex was total love.
There are two different types of loves: physical (men) and spiritual (women); we have this through the different characters' point of view.
In Lady's Chatterley the narrator justifies and support spiritual love à the main character is the woman.
In his novel the ure of women is innovative:
He described a new role of sex like a spiritual and physical love à total love
He described woman's mind: not only have the men, even the women had a mind.
He described an educated woman.
The industrial society corrupted society: humans weren't corrupted in the countryside.
He decided to explore different types of society à he went to Mexico, Australia; when he stayed in these societies he enriched himself (like Gauguin).
He was considered an innovative because : he focus on the working class, on the problem of miners and he used the language of the working class.
Narrator and point of view
There is a narrator and he explains what the characters think .
In Lady's Chatterley the narrator justifies and support spiritual love because the main character is the woman who represents spiritual love.
We have a different point of view à we have two different types of love.
Language is related to the senses and described the characters; in fact the minors speak in their dialect.
He used a lot of symbols and descriptions to describe the characters à through the descriptions we found the relationship between the characters. The characters are described by descriptions and by dialogue between other characters.
In his novels he used a lot of poetic language: alliteration, symbolical words, repetitions, musical effects, metaphors
He uses a cinematic technique like Hardly
Setting place
The setting reflects the characters' feelings.
In the novel that we had read, the countryside is in the darkness and it is in opposition with the light city; because in the countryside the characters are alone, there isn't light and because in the countryside, Paul's mother died.
In the end Paul changes his life and goes into the light of the city and begins a new life.
After Lawrence we have two different time :
The time in the mind à there isn't separation between present and past: our past is fixed in our memory in the present.
The time of the clock à conventional time that organized our life.
In Lawrence :
He uses a chronological descriptions of events. He is traditional he uses only the time of the clock; but he begins to uses the time in the mind: when he go back in his mind.
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