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Geoffrey Chaucer
Chaucer were
a busy middle class-man. Little is recorded about him as a man and a poet. He
was born around 1343, the son of a
Canterbury Tales (
The plot
It is spring and thirty people, all belonging to different social
classes and including Chaucer himself, are going on a pilgrimage to Thomas
Becket's shrine in
The structure
The work consists of a General Prologue, where the pilgrims are usually
preceded by a prologue, which introduces the theme of the tale, and sometimes
followed by an epilogue. The point of departure, the inn, is linked to worldly
pleasures while the destination is holy.
Realism and allegory
Realism is the most distinctive feature of the work. The pilgrimage is also a key metaphor for life from the religious sphere. We are all pilgrims on the way to the heavenly city.
Chaucer narrator
The tales are narrated by the different pilgrims but the reporting pilgrim is Chaucer himself. He tells us directly or sometimes ironically what he sees and what he thinks about it.
Microcosm and Macrocosm
The English Renaissance
The English Renaissance covers the historical period from 1509 to 1660.
The English Renaissance developed later than its European equivalents and
distinguished itself as an original, typically English movement. Its main
feature was its strong Protestant, and in some aspects, Puritan basis,
influenced by the Reformation under the reign of Henry VIII, who broke with
New Learning
There was also the training in classical imitation of a number of humanist scholars and translators. The 'New Learning', as Humanism was also called. It encouraged confidence in the power of human reason to interpret Man and Nature, in the value of literature as an instrument of reason and in the dignity of modern English as a literary medium.
Universal order
The world picture of this period is based on a general conception of order. The Renaissance man pictured the universal order under the forms of a chain and a cosmic dance.
The chain of being
The chain stretched from God to the lowest of inanimate. First there is the inanimate class: the elements, liquids and metals. Then there is the vegetative class, Then there is the animal class learning up to man, two has not only existence, life and feeling, but also understanding. Finally there are the angels. The position of man was extremely interesting. Given his double nature of matter and spirit, he had the unique function of linking together all creation.
The cosmic dance
The created universe was itself in a state of music, of perpetual dance. The whole universe was governed by divine will; Nature was God's instrument. It followed that order and unity were the natural rules for the state, which should be subject to a single head. So the Sovereign became the symbol of stability and unity.
New discoveries
In 16th century there were new geographical discoveries and the new wealth linked to the expansion of markets abroad, by political upheaval and religious wars. The old order of ideas was weakened by the theories of Nicolaus Copernicus who created a new model of the Solar System, in which the Sun was at the centre, with the Earth and other ets moving in a combination of circular movements around it. The invention of the telescope by Galileo Galilei, proved it. Moreover the Italian astronomer established the scientific method, that is, the study of the physical world by sensory observation, experiment and by mathematical measurement.
The Royal Society
The modern science in English gained impetus from the foundation of the Royal Society in 1662. The society's aim was "to overcome the mysteries of all the works of nature" and to apply that knowledge "for the benefit of human life".
The development of the English character
The Puritanism contributed to the development of the English character. The political events connected with the Civil War of the 17th century led to the settlement of Parliament as a guarantee that Royal absolutism should never be established in England; the heard-working attitude of the Puritans was to be of great value in the future development of a industrial nation The new scientific attitude encouraged a belief in human progress and the development of a materialistic and practical mind.
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