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John Milton.
Life and works.
John Milton was born in
His career can be divided in three periods:
in the first period he composed poems like "L'Allegro" and "Il Penseroso".
the second part of his life he wrote social, religious and political
tracts about education, divorce and other themes and he started his famous poem
in the third part he completed "
Focus on the text: "
"Paradise lost" is the most famous
poem of
The structure.
The first and the second books narrated about the rebellion of God's favourite angel Lucifer and for this, Lucifer is banished and he goes to the Hell. So, to revenge himself, Lucifer decides to corrupt with some temptations the most beautiful creation of God, the man.
In the third book God gives the man free choice and free will and He decides to offer his son to save mankind.
In the fourth book Lucifer convinces Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge.
In the fifth book God sends a messenger, Raphael, to banish Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.
Copernicus confuted Ptolemaic theory of universe, but his theory wasn't
accepted in the society of that period. This was in conflict with mythical epic
tone of
The political dimension.
In this poem the treatment of the object is similar to an allegory for
English politics of that period. Rebellion of Lucifer's rebellion is ed
to the Puritans' rebellion against Charles I. Milton's devil had a great intelligence
like an epic hero and that means that
The language of the poem.
The language of "
Language is one of the themes of the poem. In fact, Adam gives a name to everything and before the Fall the essence of the things corresponded to their names. Language before the Fall was innocent and connected to the orality. Lucifer, refused by God, changed his name in Satan; he used the language to corrupt the creation of God Adam and Eve.
Before the Fall, for Adam and Eve the conceit of good and evil didn't exist.
The restoration of the monarchy
After the Cromwell's death, his son wasn't able to govern the
protectorate and the monarchy was restored. The new king was Charles II, who
had come back from the exile in
The royal society was established to improve the natural knowledge; it received the king's patronage. The royal society had to advise the government about problems that need scientific exation. Francis Bacon started this movement and than we can found the diarists Evelyn and Pepys.
In 17th century there were two important events that damaged
1666: the great fire of
In 1666 in a baker's shop started a small fire that
burnt the entire city because
Evelyn, a man with a lot
of interests, wrote about the event with the description of the baker's family,
how the fire started and he made a general description of
A new kind of monarchy
In 1688 the king abdicated and there was an event called Glorious Revolution because it was non-violent.
After Mary new queen was
her sister Anne. Under her reign there was the slave trade that sent in
The Scottish and Irish question.
The relation between
Only Jonathan Swift tries to protect the Irish and he satirized the behaviour of English people.
Restoration prose and the rise of rationalism.
The prose writers of this period used a kind pf prose as a vehicle of reason. The most important ures were Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, two philosophers. In this period born the English empiricism.
The triumph of science.
Important ure was Isaac Newton.
The trust in progress and in power of reason increased and this period was called Age of Reason.
Restoration poets.
Important ure was John Dryden.
Restoration comedy.
When the Puritans were
turned out, there was an artistic decadence and a cultural climate for the
upper classes. There was the reopening of the theatres and begun a new kind of
theatre, lightest than Renaissance theatre, was a comedy called Comedy of
Manners. It was famous because it talked about manners, mode and moral of upper
classes but it ridiculed them. This kind of comedy takes one's cue from Italian
Commedia dell'Arte and from
The Restoration comedies were directed to a restricted group pf people from upper classes. The topics of comedy were treated with elegance of speech and quick humour, but they were superficial, and they showed the human situation under the mask of sophistication.
The beginning of the Hanoverian dynasty.
When Queen Anne died, George I was made king.
The wealth (ricchezza) of the nation, based on the trade with the colonies of the expanding empire, increased sensationally.
The Augustan Age.
During the reign of Roman imperator Augustus, that gives the name to this period, the empire had a great stability. In fact, the middle classed expanded and begun to go into coffee-houses, meeting place very fashion in that time. There the men exchanged the ideas and they read the newspapers. In this time begun also a new kind of writing, the journalism.
There was also the birth
of a new movement, the Enlightenment that crossed the
Augustan aesthetics.
The stability of political and social culture was reflected in aesthetic order and harmony; art and architecture on this time was characterised by neoclassical restraint and sobriety.
Augustan literature.
The most important event in literature in 18th century was the novel; but there were other forms of writing: journal, pamphlet and essays.
The most important ure as critic was Samuel Johnson.
Poetry, on the contrary, hadn't a great importance and continued the writing of satire and mock-heroic poems. These were a satire where an ordinary character is ridiculed given him a heroic dimension. The most famous writer was Alexander Pope that wrote "The rape of the lock" that talked about an incident that caused a tension between two aristocratic.
Another writer was Richard Sheridan that wrote "The school for scandal".
The rise of the novel.
Before the rise of the
novel there were a lot of forms of prose fiction that were similar to a novel,
but didn't describe a real life. In
There are many reasons because there was a growth of novel:
the rise of philosophical rationalism:
the influence of Puritanism and Methodism: the firsts thought that men must save himself with his efforts and with a virtuous life. The seconds applied the Puritan ethic (the importance of hard work and daily activities).
The expansion of the reading public with the increasing of the newspapers.
The influence of books, whose structure ad ironic episode of idealistic world was a model for other future novels.
The rise of the journalism and the role of newspapers.
This phenomenon was very important in 18th century both in economic term and increase of middle-classes.
The first newspaper editors ware Joseph Addison and Richard Steele. The firsts titles were "The spectator", "The guardian", "The tatler" and there were for the middle classes, written with a witty stile.
The writers were divide into 2 parties: the Tories and the Whigs and they talked about their readers' habits, moral, fashion and foreign affairs.
Mother of the novel.
The father of the novel is considered Daniel Defoe, who wrote Robinson Crusoe; the mother was an ignored writer, Aphra Behn.
Formal variety.
The firsts novels were only test novels; for this reason there weren't a dominant form. The writers were influenced by the tales of the past, the novels told about real life, even if they were different from each other.
I. Defoe and the realist novel.
Defoe wrote his works as a diary or autobiography, so they were more realistic. There is a series of disconnected events without plot. The protagonist is only one and could be male or female; he had to surmount a series of impediments, only with his resources.
In his works there weren't psychological developments of characters. Defoe's works anticipated semi-autobiographical novels.
II. Swift and the literature of the fantastic.
He was a
journalist and a diarist; he wrote "Gulliver's travels", considered first a
fable for children and successively a political satire of the situation in
This work had influenced lots of writers.
IV. Fielding and the comic novel.
He was the
father of comic novels, the dominant mode in
V. Sterne and the experimental novel.
Sterne anticipated the experimental novel and he had lasting influence on modernist and postmodernist writers. His work "Tristram Shandy" was considered an anti-novel, because didn't respected novel conventions. In fact, he manipulated the time into the novel and anticipated writers of 18th century, like Virginia Woolf and James Joyce.
Daniel Defoe.
Life and works.
Defoe was born in
Defoe travelled around
Daniel died in 1731.
Focus on the text: "Robinson Crusoe".
The plot.
It is the most famous adventure story in English literature. It tells a story of a man that is shipwrecked on a desert island and he stays there for 28 years.
The novel is divided into 3 parts:
Stylistic features.
The text is written as an autobiographic in first-person. We had to believe that the story is real and Defoe is only the editor.
The style is very matter of fact. We can't know Robinson's thoughts or feelings; he tells us his actions and his physically happens. Sometimes he reflects about Christian religion. Crusoe tells his facts in a diary-like sequence; the text is unsophisticated.
The book has been interpreted as a religious allegory, a Puritan tract man's redemption from sin.
The book functions as an allegory of merchant capitalism: Crusoe's mini-civilisation on the island, the protection of his own possessions, his work routine, his encounter with Friday, and his use of Friday as servant. Crusoe embodies the values of the self-man and like a businessman he built from nothing an empire on the island.
"Robinson Crusoe" is also considered an allegory of British Imperialism, because it demonstrates the European superiority over the savage that must be civilised and converted to the Christianity.
Friday learns to speak when Robinson teach him English. Their relationship is the same relation between Prospero and Caliban in Shakespeare's "The tempest", but Friday doesn't learn to curse (cacciare) his master.
Jonathan Swift.
Life and works.
Jonathan Swift
was born in
Swift, with other writers, formed a group of satirists.
In 1726 he published his masterpiece, "Gulliver's Travel".
He also wrote "A modest Proposal", a grotesque satire on the Irish problems of overpopulation and food shortage; he suggested to make a succulent dish with boiled babies: this was a solution both for overpopulation and for lack of food.
Swift spent the last years of his life in ill health and was declared insane. He died in 1754.
Focus on the text: "Gulliver's travel".
The plot.
The text is divided into 4 parts.
o In the first part Gulliver was shipwrecked on an
island called Lilliput. Here Gulliver learns about local costumes and culture
and county's political system. He helped the people with the war against
Blefuscu and then he returned to
o In the second part Gulliver left to
o In the third part the hero lend on a flying island populated by philosophers and scientists.
o In the fourth part Gulliver was lend in a place ruled
by intelligent horses who were served by a filthy, bestial, subhuman race called
the Yahoos. At the end he returned to
Features of the novel.
For long time "Gulliver's travels" was considered a fairy tale for children for his simplicity. In fact, Swift says that the style is very simple and plain.
Gulliver, like Crusoe, is a matter-of-fact man that wrote about what he had seen during his travels with more details. The dense mixture of fantasy, political satire, moral fable ad playfulness of the novel make it an highly complex work.
There are many levels of interpretation and we can read the text as a specific political allegorical dimension.
o First journey à the Lilliputians can be seen to represent cruelty, pettiness and provincialism.
o Second Journey à the giants of Brobdingang represent human vanity and self love (people weren't humble).
o Third journey à the Laputans were a parody of abstract intellectual thinking, which hasn't connection to reality.
o Fourth journey à the land of horses had animals that rule over a bestial sub-human race. We see Gulliver from the prospective of the horses and we can see that the European are the servant.
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