
Appunti, Tesina di, appunto inglese


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When European settlers set foot in Noerth America for the first time they started an historical process that had effects on the rest of the world: in fact, in 200years, the United States has become the most powerful country in the world.There was however a darker side.

When Cristopher Columbus discovered the continent in 1492, North America was inhabited by 1'500'000 native Indians who lived in reserves and nowadays they have problem of alchool and unemployment; in 1900 they were just 250'000. Europeans destroyed their lands and oral culture(songs poem)


The first colony was established in Virginia (South) in 1584 by Sir Walter Raleigh who introduced tation of tobacco and potato to England.

He was followed in 1620 by the persecuted Pilgrim Fathers, a small group of Puritans who, on board the Mayflowers, founded a colony in Massachusetts.

There was also a strong Dutch presence on the east cost in 1660s in fact New York was known as New Amstedam. Settleres arrived from Europe and more colonies were set up in the north-east that became known as New England.

A new society

Some people left Europe to escape from poverty or social and political discrimination. Someone dreamed a country were the religious divisions of Europe could be left behind but for example Puritans were very intolerant with who didn't live by their principles. They cut off ear to whom cursed and executed women suspected to be witches.

The economy

There was a big improvement of economy. Rice, corn, wool, sugar, tobacco and cotton soon satisfied the demands of internal market but they were also exported in England. America was a source of raw materials so English government tried in every way to have the monopoly on all goods produced there.

In 1660 were passed the Navigation Acts in which there was written that goods had to be transported in English ship with ¾ of the crew English. At first colonies were quite happy because this guaranteed them a secure market; then, in the 18th century, English imposed taxes on goods and a group of colonists protested in 1773 against the tax on tea (Boston tea party)They threw a ship cargo of tea into the sea.Also this lead to war

The American War of Indipendence

From the middle of 17th to the middle of 18th century, England France Spain and Netherlands had fought intermittent wars for the control of the continent. Whit the treaty of Paris England gained control over Canada, Louisiana and Florida. The colonists couldn't accept economic and political limitation; the American War of Indipendence broke out in 1775 and on the 4th of July 1776 a Declaration of Indipendence was issued by George Washington. In 1783 England garanted the colonies indipendance.

The leaders tried to find a political system that would garantee the autonomy of the individual states but together in an unified nation. In 1787 delegates of colony drew up a Constitution (by Thomas Jefferson): it was agree to elect a President and set up two houses of Parliament (Congress and Senate).

The capital was named in honour of Gorge Washington, the first President.


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