The licterary
activity of Wordsworth is linked to his region form witch he draw ispiration. His personal grand tour happened in France
where he shared the ideal of the France revolution, he accepted the democratic
idea to create a right social order but brutal, destructive developments of F.
R. and the ware between France and England brought him to have a nervous
breakdown. In this tragic moment, nature helped him, he felt protected and
understood only among his lakes, where he spent the rest of his life. In this
period he wrote the Lyrical Ballads with Coleridge; this lyrics begins with his
Preface. The first poem belong to Coleridge (Ancient Mariner); the last belongs
to Wordsworth (Tintern Abbey). These years were also
characterized by other poems such as "The prelude" an autobiographical poem,
"The journals" to give an insight in his experience of poet. We can't consider
Wordsworth a typical poet of his century, in fact he developed the poetic
diction; it was an artificial and elevated language, in his Preface he explains
the subject matter (argomento) and the language of
poetry. The arguments is: everyday life whose the protagonist are ordinary
people above all humble or rural people. The language must be artificial and
elevated but also simple and know by everybody. He makes this choice because he
thinks that simple life, rustic life is
nearer linked to get the purest passion. W. Created the poetic diction: it is
the romantic language used by the romantic poet, it was a language very
elevated and artificial but inserted in argumenst,
events, of everyday life, in fact the protagonist are ordinary people who live
ordinary situation, in fact humble and rural people are described under many
aspects of their life. This situation and characters needed a simple language
too, in this way the poetic diction was a perfect example of balance, because
it was perfect in style but also under stable by everybody. This choice was due
to his personal view of life; the life in rustic world is more direct and
linked to the passion; the poet should be a man who lives with other men, so
related to everyday life. This is important to know people and their problems.
His love for nature brought him to be in relationship with nature. In this
correspondence between natural world and human mind gives to W. the possibility
to show deeply the union between man and nature, especially as man react in
front of nature in terms of emotions, sensation, sights, more than in the
traditional analysis of the phenomenon in itself. When W.look
at nature is not important the object in itself but his reaction to the sight
of the object. This relationship with nature and men is really important in W.
because W. thinks that man and nature are inseparable, man is an active part in
nature, so nature has human and unanimated things. Nature as the role to help,
to comfort man who lives a troubled life, so nature gives joy, pleasure,
comfort to men, It represents a moral guide in his life, in nature man can find
the spirit of the universe. Nature is analysed through five senses but W. uses
eye and ears, because eye give him the possibility to see the perfect form of
nature; the sound give him the possibility to ear the rumours that nature
produces. For W. the sound of silence is important too, because brings man to
reflect. This theory was supported by a philosopher "Hartley"; the personality
of each man develops in childhood but the ideal environment is full of
pleasure and pain too, because man is
under the influence of society or physical experience. The sensation man feels,
produce simple thoughts , than the sensation become complex and organised
ideas. (Child lives in an idilliac place full of
pleasure. The first contact with nature happens through the use of 5 senses and
physical experience and produces simple thought). In this process of growth W.
Established three ages: childhood, youth and adulthood, but what it is really
important for W. Isn't the division in itself but how man is related to each
period with nature. W. Considered the childhood an example for his future
condition (adulthood). How does the child look at nature ? His world is reach
of imagination, is more dynamic and vivid, the adulthood through the use of
memory can better develop his personaliy, memory is
an help for his built but also is considered a force that W. Transform in
poetry. This capacity of perception can have its best perception in
tranquillity; so the poem is the best form of this process, because this
scenery is seen in a idyllic moment, when he is satisfied of his life, he
hasn't problems, so he is dynamic, active, vivid in his relationship of present
but also past experience. The use of memory allows at poet to reproduce and
purifies the emotion that the experience produce in a idyllic poetic form; this
second emotion is called kindred. The poet analyse the nature with a mist of
past and present experience, the past emerge through the use of memory but this
memory is not expression in itself (with positive and negative results) but it
is epured in
positive aspect to be written in a poetic form. This second memory is called
kindred. We have an object= the sight of an element in nature; poet= the
protagonist of the experience; through the use of 5 senses (emotion: it is the
results of the personal experience; memory: it is the results of the past
experience); recollection in tranquillity = because it allows to produce the
best result; kindred emotion = the recollection of memory not in itself but
purified; all this process is developed in poem by the poet for the reader that
will have other emotions. The poet is considered an ordinary man but he has
more sensibility, more capacity to understand the real meaning of things.
Imagination help man to show his knowledge in this way he becomes a teacher how
teach to analyse feelings and understand human mind; to better explain this
process he tells about ordinary things, people, because there the dippiest
emotions and real truth can be found.