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Charles Lutwidge Dogson, a.k.a. Lewis Carrol (1832-l898), was very shy, probably also because of his stammer. That's the reason why he felt at his ease only with children, as, for instance, Alice, who is a real character.
Carrol was a professor of pure mathematics at
In the pool of tears
Then the White Rabbit arrives,
desperately looking for his fan and gloves. He mistakes
In the wood near the house, she
meets a blue caterpillar smoking a big hookah on the edge of a mushroom. The
caterpillar puts
The next curious character she meets is a duchess, who sits in her kitchen nursing a baby while her cook makes a very peppered soup making everyone sneeze incessantly. Then the duchess goes to the Queen's to play croquet and gives Alice the baby, but he suddenly turns out to be a little pig, so Alice lets it trot in the wood.
Then a Cheshire cat who always grins
shows her the street that leads to the house of the March Hare. When she
arrives, she finds it having tea with the Mad Hatter and a Dormouse. They don't
want her to sit, but in the end they have a tea together and tell her that for
them it's always tea-time, since they tried to kill time and were condemned by
the Queen to live forever at six o'clock. Afterwards, the March Hare and the
Mad Hatter ask the Dormouse to tell them a story.
Then she meets three gardeners
painting some white roses red. That's the Queen of Hearts' garden, and the
gardeners, that are three playing cards, are afraid of having their heads cut
off because she wanted a red rose-tree. The Queen of Hearts invites
Then a cry of "The trial's
beginning!" is heard in the distance, so they go together to the trial. The
knave of Hearts is accused of having eaten the Queen's tarts. The herald is the
White Rabbit, and most of the animals she's met in Wonderland are called as
witnesses: the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, the Dormouse, the Duchess' cook.
The White Rabbit is always hurrying and worried about the Queen's judgement, like an adult towards his superior.
The Blue Caterpillar makes Alice feel uneasy and angry more than all the other creatures of Wonderland, because he wants to know who Alice is, and she's very confused about it, after having grown and got smaller so fast, and after having been mistaken several times (for a serpent, for Mary Ann).
The Cheshire cat always grins, and this surprises
The Mad Hatter and the March Hare have to live forever at tea-time, since they tried to kill time mangling the song "Twinkle twinkle little star". There's an analogy with what the author himself does in this book: he mangles all the songs and rhymes.
The Gryphon seems the most detached and
disenchanted character. When the Queen mentions the executions she has ordered,
it says: "What fun! [] It's all her fancy, that: they never executes
nobody"; when
"Would it be of any use, now,"
"Perhaps he doesn't understand
English," thought
"Not like cats!" cried the Mouse, in a shrill, passionate voice. "Would you like cats if you were me?"
"Well, perhaps not," said
"We, indeed!" cried the Mouse, who was trembling down to the end of his tail. "as if I would talk on such a subject! Our family always hated cats: nasty, low, vulgar things! Don't let me hear the name again!"
"I won't indeed!" said
I chose this passage because I find it very nice for many reasons: because Alice calls the Mouse declining its name as she saw in her brother's Latin Grammar, because she thinks it's a French Mouse arrived in England with William the Conqueror, and because she feels awkward since she doesn't know what to talk about and always forgets that mice don't like cats and dogs.
Indeed, this passage is in polemic with the Victorian school, that made children study without caring too much for the content. For instance, Alice thinks the mouse came over with William the Conqueror, since, with all her knowledge of history, Alice had no very clear notion how long ago anything had happened, and she decline the name "mouse" as if she associated the Latin language with strange, unknown things (Alex R. Falzon, notes for "Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie", BUR, 1994).
I chose this book because it's my favourite since I was a child. I find it charming, involving, curious, different from all the tales I was told. Its characters are stranger, and they've got personality, they're not flat and stereotyped as they usually are in children tales. My favourite character was, and is, the blue caterpillar, because when I was a child I found it very wise and intelligent, and dignified, sitting on its mushroom and smoking a hookah.
Reading this book in its original language has been marvellous, because it's even more charming and witty.
Adjourn = rimandare
Anon = presto: ever and anon = di tanto in tanto
Anxious = ansioso
Avail = profitto: to be of no avail = essere inutile
Beheaded = decapitato
Bristle = arruffarsi il pelo
Caper = capriola; birichinata; stram-beria
Choke = soffocare
Chuckle = ridere di soppiatto
Clasp = stringere
Claw = artiglio
Coaxing = moine
Coils = spira (di serpente)
Collar = acciuffare
Comfit = confetto
Conger-eel = anguilla di mare
Creep, crept, crept = strisciare
Crimson = color cremisi
Cucumber-frame = serra
Curtsey = inchino
Custard = crema
Dainty = ghiottoneria
Dodge = schivare
Draggle = infangare
Drawling = strascicare le parole
Dreadful = terribile
Drop = cadere; lasciar cadere
Dull = ottuso, duro di comprendonio; uggioso (di tempo)
Dunce = tonto
Eagerly = ansiosamente; diligente-mente; appassionatamente
Entangled = impigliato
Eyelids = palpebra
Fainting = svenimento
Faintly = debolmente, timidamente
Feebly = debolmente
Fender = parafuoco
Fidget = agitarsi
Flapper = pinna; coda
Fling, flung, flung = lanciare
Flurry = folata (di vento); scroscio (di pioggia)
Flutter = starnazzare, svolazzare
Footman = lacchè
Fumble = armeggiare, frugare
Furrow = solco
Glide =scivolata; passo strisciato
Growl = ringhiare
Grumble = brontolare
Guinea-pig = porcellino d'India
Harm = male: there's no harm in trying = tentar non nuoce
Hastily = frettolosamente
Hatch = portello
Heap = mucchio, cumulo
Hearthrug = tappeto davanti al focolare
Hedgehog = riccio; porcospino; istrice
Hint = accenno
Howl = ululato; grido; individuo ridicolo
Hush! = silenzio!
Inkstand = calamaio
Jelly-fish = medusa
Kid gloves = guanti di pelle di capretto
Leave off = rinunciare; smettere
Limbs = membra
Lodging = alloggio, sistemazione
Mallet = mazza
Merely = solamente
Mutter = mormorare
Nibble = boccone
Oars = remo
Ointment = unguento
Out-of-the-way = fuori dal comune
Overcome = scongere
Pant = ansimare; sbuffare (del treno)
Peep out = apparire poco a poco
Pinch = pizzicare
Pop down = venir giù; buttar giù
Prosecute = proseguire; perseguire
Rave = delirare
Red-hot poker = attizzatoio arroventato
Reed = canneto
Remarkable = notevole
Riddle = indovinello
Ridge = rialzamento del terreno
Ringlets = boccoli
Ripple = mormorio
Rush = fretta
Rustle = fruscio
Scaly = squamoso
Shepherd = pastore
Shriek = grido
Shrill = parlare o urlare con voce stridula
Simpleton = sempliciotto
Slate = lavagna
Slate-pencil = gessetto
Sluggard = fannullone
Snail = lumaca
Snort = sbuffare
Snout = muso
Sole = suola; sogliola
Spade = spade, picche
Sprawl = stravaccarsi; scarabocchiare
Squeak = squittire
Stalk = andatura altezzosa
Startle = sussulto
Stir = mescolare; agitare; eccitare
Stool = sgabello
Strive, strove, striven = sforzarsi; litigare
Subdued = soggiogato, represso
Sulkily = con aria imbronciata
Suppress = sopprimere; abolire, nascondere; tacitare
Thimble = ditale
Thus = così
Tiptoe = punta di piedi
Toffee = dolce (in generale); croccante
Tougher = duro; tenace; difficile
Treacle = melassa
Tread = andatura, passo
Trot = trottare, trotterellare
Tuck away = mettere via, al sicuro
Tumble = ruzzolare
Tureen = zuppiera
Twinkle = brillare
Unwillingly = di malavoglia
Wag = muovere, scuotere; scodinzolare
Weary = stufo
Whiskers = baffi
Whiting = pesce simile al nasello
Wig = parrucca
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