
Appunti, Tesina di, appunto lingue


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The term journal derives from day and daily and it is up to indicate the frequency of his apparition.

In the newspaper we can principally read what we call information.

The journalistic phenomenon appears in Europe only just three century ago and at the beginning the newspaper was a documentation about politic and financial business: for example the price of corn, the ship leaving, etcetera.

The early paper had an uniform character in all Europe, and in this period born the GAZZETTA. The circulation of this paper was at the beginning of 150-200 copies.

In the 1709 Richard Steele pubblished the TATLER and in the 1711 Addison pubblished the SPECATOR  which will serve for a model to many moralistic pubblication.

Although the short period of pubblication, the model of the newspaper had a large circulation and spread very quickly. The easy language and the conversational style allowed also the middle classes people to speak about politic, philosophy.

With the beginnig of France Revolution a new type of journal rise: the politic newspaper, but the Jacobin first and Napoleon after censored it. The growth of the newspaper was helped thanks to tecnology; the Times of London used for first the vapour press and the printing machine.

The invention of the telegraph, moreover, made more easy the collection and the diffusion of news from all parts of the world.

So we arrive at 1900, and with the diffusion of telephone changed radically the times of the industry of information. The number of paper pubblished in Italy passed from 1500 to 4000.

During the 19th century, newspapers and magazines treated politic and social problem, using for attract the reading pubblic.

But now, with new means of comunication as the television and internet we can delete limits of time and space, which consent us to benefit of the service every moment and anywhere.

So, we can think obviously that in this set, the newspaper hasn't an important role, but in my opinion that's not so.

Above all, the telecommunication system is devoid of rules and of social control, so frequently represents a risk (because we don't know if the news are true of false).

Finally we have to considerate the complexity of the telecommunication language which required a technologic ability and a good knowledge of English.


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