
Appunti, Tesina di, appunto INGLESE


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Notre Dame

Notre Dame Place du parvis de Notre Dame , 75004 Paris Cité Châtelet-Les Halles, Saint Michel-Notre Dame 21, 24, 27, 38, 47, 85, 96 Practical Information A Bit of History Proceeded by a Gallo-Roman temple t [...]


ANALISYS OF MACBETH        PLOT: Macbeth is a play which talks about a knight, Macbeth, who was coming back from an important battle, and during the walk met three witches predicted him that ha was going to become sir of Cardow and than k [...]

INTERNET - Che cos’è l’internet, Come si è sviluppata l’internet, Come funziona, A che cosa serve, Quanto costa, La tela (World Wide Web

INTERNET 1. Che cos’è l’internet Le reti "telematiche" esistono da più di vent’anni. Ma il fenomeno di cui si parla oggi, genericamente definito "internet", nella forma in cui lo conosciamo è nato [...]


KEYWORDS RAIMOND WILLIAMS, negli anni ‘70 del ‘900, ha dato vita ai cutural studies, elaborando un Vocabulary of culture and society fatto di keywords. Le definizioni di nation-state e nationalism di ANDREW EDGAR e PETER SEDGWICK (n [...]

Infinito passato semplice participio passato

Infinito   passato semplice    participio passato Become became become diventare Bring brought brought portare Build built built costruire Buy bought bought comprare Catch caught caught prendere Come came come venire [...]


GEORGE ORWELL Life George Orwell, was born in Bengal, India, in 1903. His father, sent the boy to England for his education. He was impressed by the snobbish atmosphere and this dislike often emerges in his books, particularly i [...]


THE TEMPEST The Tempest is write in 1611 and it is one of Shakespeare romantic comedy. The play treats the film theme of forgiveness and is set in a fairy-tale atmosphere of a magic island, magic power and spirits. many character have symbolic [...]


WORKING-CLASS MOVEMENTS (pag 321,322) THE TRADE UNIONS Were legalized during the reign of George IV. THE COMBINATION ACT It is an act against combination and trade unions. [...]


SIR FRANCIS DRAKE Navigatore,corsaro e ammiraglio inglese (nato presso Tavistock, Devonshire, 1539-1545 circa, morto al largo di Portobello nel 1596). Iniziata in giovane età la carriera del marinaio, a ventidue anni già comand [...]

Appunti sui maggiori autori inglesi - The Reinassence

Appunti sui maggiori autori inglesi The Reinassence Historical background The rise of the Tudor dynasty Henry VII was the first king of the Tudor dynasty. He turned England into a modern state, he avoided war since was too expe [...]

The Victorian age



THE DETECTIVE STORY Is a narrative involving a murder case or a mystery that is successfully solved; it is something called a “whudunnit” (who done it) because its main aim is to involve the reader in the investigation. The beginning of [...]

Geoffrey Chaucher

Geoffrey Chaucher. Geoffrey Chaucher born in 1343, son of a wine merchant, socially ambitious. He fought in France with Edward’s III son. He was taken prisoner and ransomed by the king. He was sent on missions abroad by the king. During his jo [...]


Defoe (born in 1660) is considered the founder of the English novel; he wrote for the middle class. He worked in trade and politics. At age of 60, he published “The Life and Strange Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner”, which was based [...]


WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE MY MISTRESS EYES Sonnet 130-CXXX (1564 - 1616) My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red: If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wire [...]


                                                                              WILDE  PLOT “The picture of Dorian Gray” tells the story of Dorian, a handsome young man who is retracted by a famous painter Basil Hallward attracted by his be [...]

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