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Oliver Wants Some More

Oliver Wants Some More La stanza in cui i ragazzi venivano sfamati, era un’ ampia camera di pietra, con un paiolo di rame su di un suo lato: da cui il capo, vestito con un grembiule per il proposito, e assistito da una o due donne, scodell [...]


“SHAKESPEARE’S GENIUS”: Shakespeare didn’t go to university and he didn’t spoke very well Latin. He copied stories and he taken story from other plays. Shakespeare’ s genius didn’t lie  in the way he constructed his plays. In fact, they were full [...]


VERONA Verona has been declared by UNESCO a world heritage site, one visit will tell you why. Sitting on the banks of River Adige, the city has an engaging vibrancy, a welcoming, open atmosphere, and an array of historical sites and monumen [...]

David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930)

David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) David Herbert Lawrence had a negative view of his father, a miner with a large family. His mother, an ex-school teacher, and a rather refined woman, encouraged him at school. He was deeply fond of her, an [...]

Scheda di lettura di: Macbeth, di W. Shakespeare

Scheda di lettura di: Macbeth, di W. Shakespeare Breve sintesi dell’opera Primo Atto: Macdowaldo, che voleva spodestare Re Duncano dal trono di Scozia, venne sconfitto dal generale Macbeth, che in cambio ricevette il titolo di “Thane [...]

Robinson Crusoe

Capitolo 3:   Quando io arrivai in Brasile andai a vivere con un uomo che possedeva una piantagione e che mi insegnò come crescere le canna di zucchero e le piante di tabacco. Io decisi di diventare un piantatore. Il mio amico  c [...]


PREPOSIZIONI 1.      Preposizioni di moto a)     usiamo to/from e into/out of per indicare direzione con movimento (She has gone to Paris); b)     usiamo at, in, on per in [...]

The age of Revolutions

The age of Revolutions: In the last thirty years of the 18th century a new sensibllity, known in literature as 'Romanticism', presented itself as a reaction against the faith in reason that had characterised the previous age, promoting instead the [...]


ROMANTICISM Much importance was attached (given) to the role of imagination in the creative process. English Romantic poets believed the imagination was a faculty of the mind which was capable of penetrating the surface of reality of human life [...]


UTOPIAN AND DYSTOPIAN FICTION The word utopia was used for the first time in English literature by Sir Thomas More in the title of his work Utopia (1516). The word indicates an ideal place which does not exist. In More’s book, Utopia is an isl [...]

My son the Fanatic

“My son the Fanatic” is a short story by Hanif Kureishi which deals with Religious Fundamentalism through Parvez and Ali’s story. Parvez is a Pakistani man migrated to Britain to feed his family, he’s an outcast of society who finds his home as t [...]


THE BUSINESS TRANSACTION . ENQUIRY: First letter exchanged between  two companies. Request about informative material. LEAFLETS (1 PAGE CATALOGUE)   [...]


THE MAN WITHOUT A FACE The protagonist is Chuck a young boy who want to do a military school to become like his father. His father was pilot and died in a jet crash/accident during the war in Korea. Chuck hasn’t a good life because [...]

Bangladesh Cleans Up

Bangladesh Cleans Up Good Morning, my name is Manu, and today my purpose is to inform all of you of an event, or better, a catastrophe that happened during the first half of last February in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is not a well known countr [...]

Queen Victoria - The Victorian age

Economy and society The Victorian age took its name from Queen Victoria, whose reign (1837 – 1901) was the longest in the history of England. It was a period of economical and territorial expansion. The modern urban economy of manufacturing in [...]


Marketing: is the process of identifying customers’ needs and satisfying those needs at a profit.  Successful marketing means: right product, place, price, package, promotion. Marketing involves identifying a business opportunity in the mark [...]

The Romantic Movement

The Romantic Movement Romanticism is a new intellectual and artistic movement that involved Europe in the 18th century. The word Romantic was first used around the middle of the 17th century to mean the fantastic events told by old romances [...]

Science fiction in English - Isaac Asimov

Science fiction in English      We speak of science fiction as if it were a something of completely extraneous, a thing that will never involve us, in practice pure and simple absorbed imagination in anecdotes that you/they can sometimes se [...]

My Heart leaps up

My Heart leaps up “My heart leaps up” is one of Wordsworth’s most popular poems written in 1802. This poem is composed by nine lines which flow charmingly and appear profound, but which embody ideas that are simple - some might even say too [...]

Lancaster VS York - Shakespeare

Lancaster VS York War of the Two Roses. The Lancaster had as coat of arms a red rose, whereas the York had a white rose. So thanks to these two coats of arms the war between Lancaster and York took the name of War of the Two Roses. [...]

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